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Men’s and Women’s Soccer fall short on Senior Day

(11/08/22 11:00am)

This past Friday, Nov. 5, the men’s and women’s varsity soccer teams faced off against New York University in their final games. As the last home match of the season, both teams honored their seniors and graduate students whose careers were coming to an end. The men’s team honored Max Blacker, Aiden Guthro, Isaac Mukula, Josh Gans, Forrest Shimazu, Khalil Winder, and Sammy Guttell. The women’s team honored Jessica Murawsky, Bailey Cullen, Juliette Carreiro, Makenna Hunt, Jess Herman, Morgan Clark, Meaghan McDonough, Sabrina Salov, Caroline Swan, and Ruby Siegel. Both teams fought to the end, but unfortunately, they fell short of securing a win to cap off the season.