The Justice Logo

Brandeis University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1949 | Waltham, MA

Join the Justice!

The Justice is always looking for new staff members, and there are many ways to get involved. Writers are needed for News, Features, Forum, Sports and Arts. Specialty writers are also wanted, in any areas from science to food. Photographers, copy editors, illustrators and comics, page designers and advertisers are always needed. Think there's another way you can help out? Tell us. Contact the appropriate editor, or if you're unsure, just e-mail the editor in chief at

Comments Policy

The Justice reserves the right to edit or delete any comments made on the website that do not respond directly to the article's content or that personally attack individuals. The Justice will also delete spam posts. Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the managing editor at

The Justice also reserves the right to publish comments posted on the website in the newspaper's Reader Commentary section. These comments may be edited for space, style, grammar, spelling, libel and clarity. The Justice attempts to notify those whose comments will be published as Reader Commentary.

More Info

To contact the Justice, please visit our Contact page.

Virtual print editions of the Justice are available on our Issuu page. Past articles can also be found on the Archives page, and you can also search for them using the search box on our home page.

The Justice is the independent student newspaper of Brandeis University. Operated, written, produced and published entirely by students, the Justice includes news, features, arts, opinion and sports articles of interest to approximately 3,600 undergraduates, 2,100 graduate students, 500 faculty and 1,000 administrative staff.

The Justice is published every Tuesday of the academic year with the exception of examination and vacation periods.

Read our Constitution and Code of Ethics.

Editor in Chief: Anna Martin

Managing Editor: Eliza Bier

Senior Editors: Smiley Huynh, Isabel Roseth

Deputy Editor: Lauryn Williams

Associate Editors: Owen Chan, Ceci Xilei Chen, Zachary Goldstein, Julia Hardy, Sophia De Lisi, Mina Rowland 

News Editors: Lin Lin Hutchinson, Anika Jain

Features Editor: Grace Doh

Forum Editor: 

Sports Editor: Rani Balakrishna

Arts & Culture Editor: Nemma Kalra

Photography Editors: Jonas Kaplin, Bryan Wolfe 

Copy Editors: Sara Samuel, Madison Sirois 

Layout Editor: Marina Rosenthal

Advertising Editor: Elizabeth Liu

Online Editors: Amanda Chen, Eden Osiason