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Claire Moses


Power of the individual

One individual can make a difference. This is the message Carol Moseley Braun, the first African American woman to serve in the United States Senate, conveyed at the fourth annual Eleanor Roosevelt lecture in the Shapiro Campus Center Theater last Wednesday.Braun's speech, called "Colored Water and the Power of One," was held to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Women's and Gender Studies Center.

UJ finds constitutional violations

The Union Judiciary ruled Monday night that Secretary Michael Goldman '08 violated the constitution on two counts, by appointing a technology assistant outside the powers of his office, and by breaching implied constitutional standards of fairness by releasing voting tallies during elections.A few hours after the decision, Goldman's new counsel, Jordan Rothman '09, Sam Dewey '06, Albert Cahn '07 and Igor Pedan '05, submitted a motion for re-hearing the case.

UJ accepts case against Secretary

The Union Judiciary announced Sunday evening that a student's case against Student Union Secretary Michael Goldman '08-which claims Goldman violated the Union Constitution when he leaked voting tallies during two voting periods-will be heard publicly by Friday.

Comedic magazine to hold publishing next fall

The former editors of Gravity Magazine, who resigned after printing a racially controversial fake advertisement last month, announced that instead of creating an issue in the fall they will focus on implementing a more professional editorial process for the humor publication.The BlackJerry advertisement features a "BlackJerry," which it bills as an alternative to the popular BlackBerry cellular phone.

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