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Miranda Neubauer


Board of Trustees passes academic proposals

The Board of Trustees spent most of its meeting last Wednesday approving several academic restructuring proposals that had been approved by the faculty over the past year, according to Provost Marty Krauss.The Board gave the final approval to both the Business major and the Justice Brandeis Semester, which the faculty had previously approved.

Senate votes against Senate Money Resolution bylaw change

The Senate voted against a bylaw change that would allow Senate Money Resolutions to be granted to projects that benefit the student body as a whole instead of just to Student Union government projects after some original supporters of the amendment changed their minds at last Sunday's Senate meeting, several attendees said.

CARS drafts a timeline for academic cuts

The Curriculum and Academic Restructuring Steering committee plans to inform departments that could be affected by the cuts they recommend before presenting its recommendations and proposals to the Brandeis community, according to a draft timeline Provost Marty Krauss presented at last Thursday's faculty meeting.According to the timeline, CARS plans to complete its report by April 16.

French: $5M gap remains

The administration is discussing how to close another $5 million gap in fiscal 2009 and a $6.9 million gap in fiscal 2010, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Peter French said at last Thursday's faculty meeting.

University residency requirement changed

The faculty voted in a first reading to increase the student residency requirement from seven semesters to eight semesters and also voted in second readings to pass the Business major and the Justice Brandeis Semester.Dean of Arts and Sciences Adam Jaffe explained that with the Justice Brandeis Semester, which counts for one semester of credit, students could elect to complete two JBS semesters under the current residency requirement of seven semesters.

CMS major delayed for further revisions

A proposal for the Communications, Media and Society major was withdrawn from a vote at last Thursday's faculty meeting because further revisions were deemed necessary, Dean of Arts and Sciences Adam Jaffe said at the meeting.

University Web site in the process of being redesigned

CORRECTION APPENDED SEE BOTTOMA redesign of the Brandeis University home page is underway in order to emphasize academic areas of study more effectively to attract more incoming students and respond to community concerns about Brandeis' Web presence.Chair of the Curriculum and Academic Restructuring Steering Committee's Subcommittee on Admissions and Recruiting Prof.

Justice Brandeis Semester and Business major enacted

CORRECTION APPENDED SEE BOTTOMProposals for a Business major beginning in fall 2010 and a pilot program for an optional Justice Brandeis Semester, a semester-long, experiential learning initiative, were passed in a first reading at the March 4 faculty meeting, according to Dean of Arts and Sciences Adam Jaffe.The Undergraduate Curriculum Committee approved both programs at its Feb.

Faculty Budget Committee projects $11M gap past 2014

The University's academic restructuring plans are projected to close $18 million of the University's $25 million yearly deficit, but the institution will still face a sustained $11 million gap starting in 2014 because spending its $84 million in reserves over the next two years will decrease the earnings from the endowment, according to a presentation by the Faculty Budget Committee last Thursday.

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