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Claire Moses


Longtime Biology professor to leave

Prof. Jeffrey Hall (BIO), a Brandeis researcher of over 32 years and tenured as of 1979, will leave the University at the end of 2007.Hall will teach his last classes today, but will still be on staff and finishing his research until December."I am retiring a bit earlier than usual," Hall said, "mostly because my research grants are running out, and it's impossible to do any research without grants." The money for his grant comes from the U.S.

Summer renovation funds set aside for Intercultural Center

The Intercultural Center will likely be renovated this summer, former Student Union President Alison Schwartzbaum '08 said, after a funding issue that stalled the project in October was resolved.Between $100,000 and $120,000 have been made available in the University budget to renovate the ICC, Schwartzbaum said, adding that Jean Eddy, the senior vice president for students and enrollment, informed her about the money.Though ICC Director Monique Gnanaratnam could not confirm that this will definitely happen, she said she will meet with Dean of Student Life Rick Sawyer and Assistant Dean of Student Life Jamele Adams today to discuss the plan.

Pipes lectures to calm crowd

Despite the buildup to Middle East scholar Daniel Pipes' campus lecture Monday, his talk did not meet any protests or angry outbursts.Pipes addressed a crowd of over 200 in the Shapiro Campus Center Theater and spent the majority of his lecture discussing the "Islamization of Europe" from both the European and Muslim perspective, a subject on which he said he does not usually lecture.

Without a beer garden, Springfest runs smoothly

Springfest, the annual music festival held on the Great Lawn last Saturday, tested out aspects of a recently proposed Student Union alcohol policy, including not separating underage students from drinking students with a beer garden.Student Union officials drafted the proposal in February after complaining for over a year that the current policy makes alcohol too costly and difficult to serve at campus parties, hindering campus social life.Of-age students who chose to drink at the event, which was sponsored by Student Events, were not separated from their underage peers at the festival, a change from the University's 2005 requirement for "beer gardens" at campus parties, according to Union and administration officials.

Funding approved for new club sports program

A restructured club sports program run by the Department of Athletics is in the early stages of implementation, after the University Board of Trustees last month approved the University's budget for the fiscal year 2008.The budget included an additional $140,000 for Athletics, which will now be able to partially fund club sports, said Budget Director for the Office of Students and Enrollment Keenyn McFarlane, who negotiated the agreement with Union officials.Approval of the new budget brings to a close almost two years of negotiations between administrators and Student Union officials over the future of the program."We're really excited about it," Director of Athletics Sheryl Sousa said.

For a day, students will mingle, free of the familiar beer garden

With administrators considering a proposal to loosen the University's policies for serving alcohol at school-sponsored events, the annual Springfest music festival this weekend looms as a test of how far the administration will go to ease the current restrictions.Student Union officials drafted the proposal in February after complaining for over a year that the current policy makes alcohol too costly and difficult to serve at campus parties, hindering campus social life.The draft proposal called for allowing underage students into beer gardens; scaling back requirements for security personnel at events; allowing students to check IDs and serve alcohol; and shifting oversight responsibility from the administration to students at such events.The state of negotiations over the proposal remains unclear.

Staffer to aid off-campus students

Anticipating next year's housing crunch and the increasing number of students looking off-campus for housing, the Office of Residence Life hired a full-time staffer to assist students with their off-campus housing searches.

Candidates articulate agendas at forum

Six candidates who were vying for the position of Student Union president last Thursday evening presented their agendas at a candidates forum sponsored by the Justice.The candidates include Senator at Large Shreeya Sinha '09, Jonathan D'Oleo '08, Iris Uzdil '09 and Senator at Large Andrew Brooks '09.

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