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Let’s talk about race

(10/09/18 10:00am)

     With the words “I remember…” magnified on an otherwise blank slide behind her, Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum asked the audience of faculty members before her to take a moment to think about their earliest race-related moment. When she asked at what age these memories occurred, many faculty members shouted out, “five.” She then asked them to raise their hands if they had any recollection of having  a  conversation  about these moments with an adult. Only a few hands went up.

Not So Trivial

(10/02/18 10:00am)

The story of trivia begins in the Ancient World. Trivia, meaning “unimportant matters,” derived as a back-formation of trivialis, which meant “found everywhere, commonplace” or “vulgar.” An online column from Merriam-Webster, shedding light on the etymology of trivia, noted that the term — and the titular game — “sometimes gets a bad rap” because of a related word, trivial, meaning “of little worth or importance.” When used in a singular construction, it means “a quizzing game involving obscure facts.” The lay meaning of the trivia, according to Merriam-Webster, is “obscure facts and details that aren’t applicable to one’s day-to-day life.” 

The Underground Barista

(09/25/18 10:00am)

      When Ben LoCascio ’20 is daydreaming in class, he’s not fantasizing about backpacking across Europe or sipping cocktails on a tropical island. Instead, he’s thinking about coffee. LoCascio began drinking coffee sometime in the eighth grade and hasn’t looked back since. “My dad is from Italy and would always make espresso drinks,” LoCascio mused. “I think it was his rebellion against American drip coffee.” When he was given a $3,000 professional-grade espresso machine by his uncle before attending Brandeis, LoCascio decided to channel his love of coffee into a one-man movable Café stand, affectionately dubbed “Café Undergrounds.” Since then, the Café has taken off, bringing in hundreds of dollars in sales each weekend. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Fridays, LoCascio can be found selling lattes and Nutella paninis from a small cart parked in Upper Usdan. He’s keenly aware of his competition on campus: between Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks and Einstein's, students have wondered where Café Underground fits in. LoCascio says he isn’t sweating the competition, because he has a secret force behind him — God.

Bagels Change Lives

(09/30/18 5:21pm)

      A wrong bagel order may have ruined her day. On the morning of Sept. 13, the day of the New York state primary, democratic gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon walked from her apartment to Zabar’s deli on the Upper West side of Manhattan, where she made the grave mistake of ordering cream cheese and lox on a cinnamon raisin bagel. It is considered taboo to mix sweet and sour in this case, and reporters and patrons inside were aghast. Later, after many in the press dubbed the incident “Bagel-Gate,” Nixon felt compelled to defend her order, telling the New York Times, “I’m stunned. This is my bagel of choice for a few decades now. It’s never been public knowledge, and I really am fascinated that people are so emotional about it.”

Always Booked

(09/18/18 10:00am)

Cider, donuts and iMacs: what do all of these apple products have in common? They were all in the Brandeis Library on Thursday, Sept. 13, to mark the annual Meet Your Personal Librarian event, offering students the opportunity to mingle with their librarians over autumnal refreshments. Students could ask general questions, receive help with research, connect with various library resources or just get to know their personal librarian better. Among the attendees was Associate University Librarian for Research & Instruction Laura Hibbler, who talked about her job in an interview with the Justice, about what it’s like to be a personal librarian at Brandies.

It's the economy, stupid!

(09/18/18 10:00am)

“I hope you cannot go through an international business school and think that tariffs are a good idea,” said David P. Kelly, the chief global strategist and head of the global market insights strategy team for J.P. Morgan Chase, to a room of wide-eyed Brandeis students. The audience had gathered for an hour of conversation about the state of the economy, and while words terms like “treasury securities” and “normalization path” don’t usually raise eyebrows, on Thursday evening, talk of “rising debt” and the “gig economy” had some Brandeis students on the edge of their seats.