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The Justice Editorial Board


Commend BCC's expansion of mental health services

 Responding to persistent student requests for an expansion to hours and resources, the Brandeis Counseling Center announced a number of changes and additions to their services for this upcoming semester. While this board has concerns about how the expanded program might affect future tuition and the cost of the Brandeis health care plan, we appreciate the necessary additions made to the BCC. 

EDITORIAL: Scrutinize candidates for Dean of Arts and Sciences

 The University has narrowed down its search for a new Dean of Arts and Sciences to three candidates: Dorothy Hodgson, Jeffrey Shoulson and Lynn Stein. Each individual brings with them a wealth of experience and while this Board commends that, it is more important that the candidate chosen is one who can best meet the needs of students. One such way to do this is to place an equal emphasis on both the arts and the sciences.  

EDITORIAL: Criticize entire “And Then There Were None” process

 On Thursday, April 12, the Undergraduate Theatre Collective postponed its first performance of “And Then There Were None” only hours before it had been slated to open. The play is based on a 1939 Agatha Christie murder mystery novel adapted from a British nursery rhyme about murdering Africans, the title of which was “Ten Little N-----s.” This Board is disappointed by the last-minute nature of the decision and urges faculty members to voice their concerns more proactively in the future.  

Call on Student Union to Release Budget Information

 Last year, Student Union President Jacob Edelman ’18 ran on a platform that included a proposition that the Union release its budget at the start of the academic year. Now, in late March and with only a few weeks left in Edelman’s term, the student body is still awaiting the budget’s release. This board calls on Edelman and the Student Union to fulfill this initiative, a powerful show of transparency and accountability.  

Clarify schedules and stop locations for shuttle routes

 This weekend, the Student Union arranged for additional Saturday transportation services to Boston for students interested in participating in the “March for Our Lives” demonstration at Boston Common. This board commends the Union and other responsible parties for organizing these much-needed extra shuttles, and we encourage the University to take similar action with events and demonstrations in the future. Such careful planning and attentiveness to students’ needs should be applauded. 

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