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Around the globe in two hours with Women in World Jazz

(11/05/19 11:00am)

   On Oct. 29, the Women in World Jazz troupe held an event at Cholmondeley’s Coffee House in collaboration with Brandeis’ Hebrew Program. The ensemble consists of five female musicians who travel around the New England area to celebrate and educate the public about different cultures and styles of music from around the world. The group specializies in world jazz, and during the performance, they paid tribute to female composers and vocalists from different eras and countries. The act was broken up into seven stops at some of those countries: Israel, Chile, Japan, South Africa, Cape Verde, Germany and Brazil. Throughout the performances, the members of the group often interacted with the audience by handing out instruments to play, as well as relics from the countries. This interactive and exciting event captivated both students and faculty members and, more importantly, helped showcase respective cultures and diversity on campus. 

Parasite is chaotic, beautiful, elegant and glorious

(11/05/19 11:00am)

  South Korean director Bong Joon Ho’s Palme d’Or winning, Cannes Film Festival title “Parasite,” is as difficult to review as it is a pleasure to watch. The film, which blends family drama, satire and psychological thriller, is so chock-full of surprises that it almost feels like a disservice to rob unwitting readers of the opportunity to view the film unspoiled. But nevertheless, I must digress and shower praise on Bong’s latest offering, which combines its performances, score, cinematography and script to miraculous effect. I promise not to give too many details of this film away.

Creating a modern fairy tale: A conversation with Olivia Ellson ’21

(11/05/19 11:00am)

Brandeis offers many opportunities for individuals who are interested in theatrical production. Whether you want to pursue performing, directing or working backstage, there is an opportunity for you to shine. Last week, I had the  chance to speak to Olivia Ellson ’21, who wrote the play “Of a Mirror and Its Fragments” which will be performed next weekend, Nov. 8 through 10. Through our conversation, I was able to get a behind-the-scenes look at the creative process for this production and get some of Ellson’s, the creator’s, insight about it.