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Is it time for unity?

(11/13/18 11:00am)

     This midterm election season brought forth the rise of diverse candidates and winners: from Massachusetts’ own Ayanna Pressley, the first African-American woman to represent the state in Congress, to the election of Andy Kim, the first Korean-American Democrat in Congress. While the 2018 election cycle had record-breaking numbers of diverse winners, it also was the most expensive, with House candidates alone raising more than $1 billion dollars. Since the 1980s, the increasing role of money in politics is just one of the reasons for our increasingly polarized political climate, according to Massachusetts State Senator Adam Hinds.

Stories of a Syrian Migrant

(11/06/18 11:00am)

 A lot can change in two years. The last time the Brandeis community spoke to Ibrahim Shkhess, he had just begun his life in Germany after leaving Syria. Shkhess was one of over 1 million refugees that entered Germany under Angela Merkel’s open-door policy. At the time, he was living in a refugee home and knew almost no German. 

A hack for progress

(11/06/18 11:00am)

Surrounded by technology and students sprawled over an endless awwrray of tables, Benjamin Segal ’20 worked alongside his brother Geva Segal from Clark University to build a technological solution for recycling. After working with newly found partners Evan Hoffman, (also from Clark University) and Olivia Banks from Brown University, for 36 hours over three days in late October, the team presented its final product, EcoSort, and won the Microsoft Azure Champ Challenge at HackHarvard 2018. Their winning pitch was fueled by copious amounts of coffee and less than an hour’s sleep the night before. 

Identity Awareness

(10/30/18 10:00am)

Not long ago, domestic violence was regarded as a family issue. When police responded to a domestic disturbance call, they often told abusers to just take a walk. With the passage of the Violence Against Women Act of 1991, domestic violence shifted from being a “family” matter to a national, political issue. However, the criminalization of domestic violence did not solve the problem. And as people are increasingly entering and being abused in romantic relationships that are not heteronormative, the perceptions and discourse surrounding domestic violence have to change, according to a domestic violence panel. 

Crazy Stupid Trade

(10/23/18 10:00am)

     What did it mean for Germany when Angela Merkel’s sister party, the Christian Social Union,  got clobbered in last month’s Bavarian parliamentary election? Are trade wars good for Americans? And how can the first chapter of an economics textbook help Trump understand global trade?

Planting Happiness

(10/23/18 10:00am)

      If you were wondering what an oasis of greenery was doing in the middle of the Shapiro Campus Center on Oct. 17 and 18, or why people were leaving with tiny plants, wonder no longer. It was just Randy Skolnick, Brandeis’s friendly neighborhood plantsman.