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A Pretzel for your Thoughts?

(10/08/19 10:00am)

The pavement shone from the recent rain as two members of Brandeis Climate Justice embarked on their shift for their yearly free food delivery event, which took place on Oct. 3. The annual event is a way for the group to raise awareness for their cause and start dialogue on campus about climate-related issues. Both club members were armed with scripts explaining BCJ’s position on divestment and their campaign goals, as well as containers of handmade chocolate-covered pretzels. They were on a mission: to deliver the pretzels — along with information about climate change. They ventured through campus, stopping at dorms to deliver their bittersweet message. Some students they spoke with were excited by the prospect of the University divesting completely from fossil fuels, while others expressed skepticism, which prompted more discussion. The club is in their seventh year of attempting to get the Brandeis Board of Trustees to divest in fossil fuel related investments, and has been doing the pretzel drive for years.

Life in a Suitcase: Yakov

(10/08/19 10:00am)

In 1991, Yakov moved to the United States from present-day Russia in search of a more rewarding life and a safe and better place for his wife and two children, then five and 10 years old. In an interview with the Justice, he said his departure had been prompted by the devastating events and unfair policies that dominated Eastern Europe before, during and after the Cold War. Throughout that period, Russia was part of the USSR and faced extreme political tension and discontent, leading to its 1991 collapse. In the midst of this strained social and political era, Yakov worked as a construction worker to help provide for his family. He faced significant religious persecution as a Jewish man in a predominantly Orthodox Christian society, an issue that pushed him to consider moving to the United States. 

Uncovering the new Brandeis Core

(09/24/19 10:00am)

On its website, Brandeis poses a provocative question to prospective students, “What does it mean to be educated in the 21st century?” Their answer is simple, it’s the Brandeis Core. As of fall 2019, all new students must complete the Brandeis Core requirements in order to receive their degree. The requirements include a first year experience and courses of foundational literacies; school of thought; global engagement; health, wellness, and life skills. 

Brandeis Swings a Visit From Smith

(09/17/19 10:00am)

Before kicking off her book tour, author Zadie Smith joined the Brandeis community on Sept. 12 to discuss her novel “Swing Time” with students and faculty. The event, part of the Helen and Philip Brecher New Student Forum, aims to provide an opportunity for students to deepen their understanding of the book and get inspired by exploring the book’s themes. Smith’s visit involved a dinner with select faculty and a gathering in the International Lounge before a question-and-answer session in Spingold Theater Center. 

Into the (Sachar) Woods

(09/17/19 10:00am)

At first glance, Brandeis may seem like a concrete jungle. However, just beyond the main confines of campus is a green space accessible to the community. It doesn’t matter if you’re not an Environmental Studies major or active member of the Mountain Club — the Sachar Woods provide an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors regardless of experience level.