Union Vice President Adam Hughes '11 announced that he is resigning his position because he is withdrawing for a semester after being diagnosed with a learning disability. Senator for the Class of 2010 Paul Balik announced that he is resigning his position because he feels he cannot devote enough time to it.

Senator for the Class of 2011 Lev Hirschhorn, chair of the Senate Social Justice Committee, reported that the committee plans to follow up with the Department of Residence Life about the issue of gender-neutral housing. The Senate reconfirmed Hirschhorn in his position in addition to reconfirming Senator for the Class of 2010 Rebecca Wilkof as chair of the Senate Outreach Committtee.

The Senate confirmed Director of the Office of Student Rights and Advocacy Laura Cohen '09 to the Union Executive Board, and Union President Jason Gray '10 swore her in.

Gray reported that he plans to relay student concerns about the new study abroad policy regarding merit scholarships to the administration. Senators also discussed the housing policy for students going abroad and for midyears. Gray said he hopes to invite Co-Director of ResLife Jeremy Leiferman, Dean of Student Life Rick Sawyer, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Peter French, Senior Vice President for Students and Enrollment Jean Eddy and University President Jehuda Reinharz to upcoming Senate meetings.

Gray said that in budget discussions with administrators, he wanted to make sure that there is student involvement, that the best decisions are made given the different options and that the quality of the academic and college experience of students is taken into consideration. However, he emphasized that there would be difficult cuts.

Senator for North Quad Andrew Hogan '11 reported that the Union planned to table to raise money to rebuild the Macedonia Church of God in Springfield, Mass., a community church with mostly black members whose construction site was set on fire the day after Election Day.

Senator for Castle Quad Nathan Robinson '11 advocated increasing the number of copies of The New York Times provided by the Student Newspaper Program relative to the number of copies of USA Todays. Gray said that the number of copies of The New York Times had already increased over the past semester and that he would look into the issue again with Treasurer Max Wallach '09.