Seldom, if ever, does the Justice recognize a single member of a graduating class, other than the class president, for having a tremendous impact on the Brandeis community. For the first time in several decades, the Justice Editorial Board feels that a student has had such a profound impact on all aspects of campus life that he deserves our highest tribute.Adam Herman '04 has earned our utmost praise and the gratitude of the entire student body for his selfless dedication to improving Brandeis for every single student.

Since his first year at Brandeis, Adam has been the go-to person for students whenever they have had problems. Whether as a member of the Executive Board in 2000 and this year, Union Secretary and resident adviser in 2001 or a Union Senator last year, Adam has consistently placed the needs of the students above his personal ambitions. In fact, one might say his personal ambitions are only to improve the experience for as many people at Brandeis as possible.

To fully appreciate Herman's accomplishments, one cannot look at any one project. He or she must see the big picture. Herman's impact can be seen in every area of life at Brandeis-Residence Life, Student Government, academics and student relations with the Administration.

There are thousands of small instances of Herman thanklessly assisting students, all of which show his commitment to helping every single person. We cannot find an example where he did not pull through. From getting the C-store to stock a particular item to resolving a conflict with housing, if a student went to Herman with a problem on Monday, it would be solved by Wednesday.

Herman also worked on many larger projects for which he also seldom received recognition. He has helped organize memorial services for students, spearheaded the placement of a plaque in memory of the worker who lost his life during the construction of the Village, fought for student autonomy, assisted in resolving conflicts, such as when CAs were placed in the Mods, and is currently involved at least half a dozen projects designed to improve different aspects of day-to-day life on campus.

It is very difficult to find a project that Herman has not worked on, yet, it's almost impossible to find one he took credit for.

Herman was able to accomplish this through the relationships he established with administrators even prior to his arrival on campus. Administrators praise him for treating them not as adversaries but as people-which motivates positive and quick responses to the numerous student-related issues he has brought to their attention. One administrator went so far as to describe him as the type of student that comes along once in 25 years.

Administrators and students alike are awed at his incredible ability to network and accomplish things-the fact that all senior administrators and student leaders trust Herman with their cellphone numbers speaks volumes.

His hands-on, direct and genuine approach to tackling problems is a model all Brandeis leaders would do well to follow.

As Herman graduates, Brandeis will not only lose a tremendous student advocate whose countless contributions have significantly and positively affected each student's experience in uncountable ways, but Brandeis will also lose a great friend.

It's unlikely that the students will have an advocate who can match Herman anytime soon. He is in a class of his own. Brandeis will certainly miss the Shapiro Campus Center building manager who was always "excited to be here.