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Aaron Fried


Carefully assess facts before assigning blame

Feb. 26, Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old boy from Florida was returning home from a convenience store, carrying only the snacks that he had purchased there, when he was shot and killed. The man who killed him, George Zimmerman, is an officer for the local neighborhood watch and was on duty when he saw Martin walking alone, wearing a hoodie.

Due process vital for functioning legal system

A few weeks ago in Kitchener, Ontario, a 26-year-old father named Jessie Sansone was surprised to find himself being arrested when he went to pick up his three young children from Forest Hill Public School. Sansone, who was thoroughly bewildered and unaware of what crime he could have possibly committed, was handcuffed and hauled to the police station where he was then forced to remove his clothes and submit to a full strip search. After finally being allowed to speak with a lawyer, Jessie Sansone was told that he was being charged with possession of a firearm and was to appear before a judge the next morning (presumably after spending the night in jail). While all of this was occurring, Sansone's three children were taken, without their parents' consent, to be interviewed by the local Family and Children's Services. Police officers also went to Sansone's home and brought his wife, Stephanie Squires, along with their 15-month-old child, to the police station as well.

Research candidates beyond media's depiction

In 2008, Ron Paul's supporters created the Tea Party movement. Since then, the Tea Party has energized the conservative grassroots, which caused them to pay a lot more attention to Washington and the Republican Party's politics.

LGBTQ patients aren't any different

Given the fact that I am very liberal regarding social issues, I often find myself agreeing with gay-rights activists when they argue that homosexuals ought to have the same rights and privileges as anyone else.

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