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justArts Spotlight on the Rose

(02/05/19 11:00am)

One of the many striking pieces in the newest exhibit at the Rose Art Museum is not a finished piece, but a stencil made by artist Howardena Pindell. In 1970, she began hole-punching cardstock to create stencils. She used to place these stencils over the canvas and spray paint hundreds of small circles onto it. Pindell would repeat this process until a painting was complete.

Musicians present a wholesome Stein Night

(02/05/19 11:00am)

The first Stein Night of the semester, held on Feb. 1, garnered a lot of attention for its performers. WBRS: Student Music is a remarkable community that fosters creative musical talents and definitely put on a show that placed listeners on the spectrum of comfort or hypeness. The first performers were a jazz band: The dreamy, colorful trio enacted a calm transition from the normally noisy talking at the Stein into respectful quiet for the performances. 

Howardena Pindell opens at the Rose

(02/05/19 11:00am)

The Rose Art Museum opened up to the public for the first time in 2019 last Friday. The curators chose to honor Howardena Pindell, an underappreciated Black artist who innovatively used materials such as perfume and baby powder in her art and experimented with irregular canvases and unconventional techniques. Throughout her life, Pindell persevered in the art world despite facing the Jim Crow racism of 1960s and 70s. The Rose chose to display a collection of her work which spanned nearly five decades, ranging from homages to her father to work surrounding contemporary political activism.

Global Gala provides stage for international pride

(02/05/19 11:00am)

Brandeis’ International Business School Student Association hosted their fifth annual Global Gala, an event dedicated to honoring the cultures of students that comprise IBS, last Friday.     Before the show started, the audience was encouraged to browse the different cultural booths that were placed around Levin Ballroom. Each displayed information such as national currency, language or notable figures about the various countries represented.