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Brandeis University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1949 | Waltham, MA

Daniel D. Snyder


Made of Metal

Melodic Death Metal (Melo-Death for short) is a drug. When the stuff began hemorrhaging out of Scandinavia in the mid-90s, it seemed like Metalheads worldwide couldn't get enough of the stuff.


Greetings! I can't thank you enough for fixating your sight-balls on this corner of the page. Welcome to my new column, "Made of Metal," writ in flame from my mighty typewriter of steel!

Science and art meet this year at the Rose Art Museum

In the past year, the Rose Art Museum has featured an exhibition of folksy, geometric wall art by Clare Rojas; a collection of classic video art; a show of paper and ink drawings from the Brandeis permanent collection; and a large-scale installation of mirror balls and fluorescent lights by the Swiss artist John Armleder.

BTC prepares for exotic season on stage

Those new to the Brandeis campus should make themselves keenly aware of the Brandeis Theater Company (BTC). The performance ensemble-comprised of students, faculty and a variety of guest artists-gives those who are still beginning their theater careers the opportunity to work with professionals on the stage.

Summer Song Birds

Though the mention of Cape Cod is likely to illicit images of white houses on whiter beaches, the reality is far from a Massachusetts take on the Hamptons.

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