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Brandeis University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1949 | Waltham, MA

Dorm disasters spark criticisms from students

A multitude of issues that have arisen within the last month involving students’ safety, health and well-being in the dorms have suggested a campus-wide problem with regards to communication and efficiency between students and various Brandeis departments that deal with residential life, suggesting an inattentive resolve to quell these issues. In most instances, students we spoke to were left frustrated and resorted to taking matters into their own hands.

A Family Night to remember

The Brandeis Asian American Students Association held their annual Family Night in Levin Ballroom on Friday, Sept. 24. With an excited crowd and a long line out the door, the event was a smashing success, nearly running out of food within 30 minutes of its start.

DARE to resist the war on drugs: New club focuses on decriminalization, education and harm reduction on- and off-campus

At the inaugural meeting of the Brandeis chapter of Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) on Sept. 19, magic mushrooms, cannabis, MDMA, alcohol, 2C-B, speed and other mind-altering substances were all up for grabs in the form of informational cards. Attendees also picked from piles of brightly colored stickers displaying phrases such as “The War on Drugs is a War on Us.”

The ICC is back to IRL

After a year of Zoom meetings and quarantine, the Intercultural Center decided to host the cookout to kick off and welcome students to the new school year. The event featured fun activities for students to partake in. Attendees also had the opportunity to play a game of cornhole and sign up for the listservs of any of the ICC-affiliated cultural clubs. 

Minor responds to “student interest and the Brandeis mission — ‘justice’”

According to Prof. Colleen Hitchcock, Chair of the Environmental Studies Program at Brandeis, this is precisely the motivation behind the recent launching of a new minor called Climate Justice, Science & Policy. “This is going to be one of the biggest challenges students have to face as they go out into the world and having knowledge on the topic will be key to almost anything you might want to do,” Hitchcock said in a Zoom interview with the Justice on Monday, Sept. 13.

The Brandeis dining experience will be starkly different from last year — in more ways than one

Feel-good interactions between students and staff are common around the Brandeis campus, and even last year’s pandemic couldn’t prevent them — if anything, these small moments of consideration became even more significant to us. Although the social aspect of the dining hall may have seemed “virtually” eliminated last year, with take-out meals, social distancing and empty dining facilities, this year, efforts have been made to revitalize Brandeis’ dining hall experience holistically. 

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