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Hooked on Tap 01.06.20 NZ 1353.jpg

(02/11/20 11:00am)

Emma Rivellese ’22 choreographed a remix of the overture from “William Tell.”  One of the performers of this number, Claire Martell ’23, stated in an interview to the Justice that “I was a little nervous to be dancing with people who were so good at tap (my studio was really small and I never got the chance to meet other tap dancers) but I was also excited to dance in front of a bunch of new faces, including my new friends who I had just met this year.”

Hooked on Tap 01.06.20 NZ 1096.jpg

(02/11/20 11:00am)

The dance “Everybody Talks, Everybody Taps,” featuring the song by Neon Trees, which was choreographed by Sonia Findling ’22, featured performers who wore the colors of the rainbow.  In an email to the Justice, Corey Brown ’23, one of the performers in this dance, stated, “The crowd was super excited to watch everyone on stage, so when they applauded at the end of each dance it was a great feeling to know all the work we did last semester paid off.”

_Making Kin (With Self and Other),_ 2019, repurposed wood from raised garden bed, laser engraved plywood, fabric, cabbage stains, acrylic paint, burlap, composite resin, colored pencil, 28 x 68.25_.jpg

(02/11/20 11:00am)

“Making Kin (With Self and Other),” 2019, repurposed wood from raised garden bed, laser engraved plywood, fabric, cabbage stains, acrylic paint, burlap, composite resin, colored pencil, 28 x 68.25”

Hooked on Tap 01.06.20 NZ 1002-2.jpg

(02/11/20 11:00am)

The Executive Board of Hooked on Tap opened the second act of  “Tappy Feet” with a performance of “Gitchee Gitchee Goo” from the Disney Channel show “Phineas and Ferb.” Genevive Bondaryk ’21, one of the presidents of HOT, who played Ferb in this routine, stated in an email to the Justice that “the most rewarding part of the show is getting the chance to hang out with and perform with the other members of Hooked On Tap. We really are a close-knit group and I love the energy that we give each other during rehearsals and performances.”  This dance was choreographed by Rebecca Weiss ’21.