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"This Is My Brave—College Edition" performs at Brandeis

(03/10/20 10:00am)

 The cast of “This Is My Brave — College Edition” shared their experiences with mental illness with the Brandeis community   in the form of poems and interactive stories last Thursday in the Shapiro Campus Center. The event aimed to “create a positive and supportive conversation around mental health through students sharing their personal stories using creative expression,” per the University’s website.  

Brandeis Body Positive is here!

(03/03/20 11:00am)

The American Counseling Association defines body image as an “individual’s evaluations and affective experiences regarding their physical attributes.” Body image has become of particular interest over the course of the last few decades, with an increasing number of programs and workshops being implemented as part of high school and college curricula. The increased focus on promoting positive body image stems from societal standards and expectations around physical appearance — standards that deem thinness as more attractive and healthier than other body types. With the mass use of social media among teenagers, such standards have become more widespread, and young individuals are increasingly engaging in unhealthy eating habits and excessive exercise in an attempt to acquire certain looks. While issues with body image are more common among women — mostly because puberty, menopause and pregnancy are often accompanied by an increase in body fat — it is important to highlight that these issues can affect anyone at any point in time. 

Sodexo cooks with 50 future ingredients

(02/11/20 11:00am)

Students walking into Sherman Dining Hall on Wednesday, Feb. 5, were able to partake in four dishes that were part of Sodexo’s Future 50 Ingredients campaign. These dishes — a wild rice, quinoa and lentil bowl (non-kosher lunch); a crispy hoisin tofu wrap with lotus root (kosher lunch); a cauliflower and amaranth risotto bowl (non-kosher dinner); and an ube maitake tartine (kosher dinner) — were created through a Sodexo partnership with the United Kingdom branch of the World Wildlife Fund and food brand Knorr Professional, per Sodexo’s Sept. 10, 2019 press release. Per the same release, the ingredients used in last Wednesday’s featured dishes were created from a set of 50 ingredients WWF-UK and Knorr had jointly identified as being nutritious and having “a lower environmental impact.” 

Chum's grand remodeling

(02/11/20 11:00am)

On an overcast, chilly Sunday afternoon, Cholmondeley’s Coffee House (Chum’s) is mostly empty, minus a few students working quietly on laptops. Soft music plays overhead, jumping from Frank Ocean to one of those songs only heard on TikTok. Chum’s offers a cozy respite from the more traditional spaces available on campus. Over a $1 cup of hot chocolate, students can use the space to study, hang out with friends and attend shows ranging from concerts to improv.  

PARC unveils new perks

(02/04/20 11:00am)

The Prevention, Advocacy & Research Center’s website unveiled two new features over winter break: online appointment scheduling and online chatting with peer advocates. The features were added because PARC “are always looking for more ways to help people reach [them] if they need [them],” according to PARC director Sarah Berg. Per PARC Peer Advocate and Office Coordinator Rachel Snyderman ’20, Berg raised the idea of the new features to student staffers, who helped tailor it to the needs of Brandeis students.

A guide to studying abroad

(01/28/20 11:00am)

According to Brandeis’ website, around 40% of each junior class will study abroad during the academic year. With 200 hundred programs offered in over 60 countries, students are given the opportunity to become immersed in a new language, fulfill University requirements and learn in a novel context. This past week, the Office of Study Abroad hosted “Study Abroad Week,” holding informational events throughout campus and featuring student experiences on social media. The Justice emailed several students who have completed a program abroad in order to learn about some of the benefits and challenges that may accompany the decision to study in a different country. 

Planning the Resilience Fair: A word with the organizers.

(01/28/20 11:00am)

Mental health is often on students’ minds at Brandeis, with community therapy initiatives and events such as Spa Night Done Right demonstrating a drive for well-being. The Resilience Fair, which occurs a few times a semester, is a school-sponsored effort to help students celebrate wellness. At the fair, which will take place on Jan. 29, students will learn about bouncing back from challenges and navigating difficult situations. Curious about the process of educating students on their mental processes, the Justice spoke with some of the fair’s organizers, including members of the Care Team, the Prevention, Advocacy and Resource Center, Health and Wellness Promotion and the Dean of Students Office. 

Meet the midyear orientation CORE!

(01/21/20 11:00am)

Each January, upperclassmen return for the spring semester to find that a hundred new students, the midyear class, have arrived on campus. These bright-eyed, newly convocated Brandeis students move in a few days before the semester begins to take part in Midyear Orientation. Midyear Orientation, like the Orientation at the beginning of the academic year, involves social events and information sessions, and is intended to help new students bond and integrate into the Brandeis community. Realizing that few non-midyear students know what makes midyear orientation unique, the Justice spoke with members of Midyear Orientation CORE for some insight. Their responses, sent via email, are shared below.