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Watch Out for the Leopard

(03/13/18 10:00am)

Leopards are sly, fast and endangered — so too is Burt Lancaster as Don Fabrizio Corbera in Luchino Visconti’s classic 1963 film “The Leopard.” Projected in a classroom at the Mandel Center for the Humanities on Thursday, March 8, this film — about a ruthlessly honest aristocrat fighting to preserve his way of life while his country is in political turmoil — created a calm in the room filled with students chewing popcorn and eating candy.

The State of Our Mental Health.

(03/06/18 11:00am)

Being a college student is stressful, which is why it is important for Brandeis to have quality mental health services, a forum of students agreed last Thursday. The Brandeis Counseling Center, in conjunction with the Student Union, held an open forum in the Napoli Room, the goal of which was to facilitate understanding and discussion between Brandeis students and the BCC. Students, or anyone in attendance at the forum, could ask questions regarding issues related to the BCC, and the panelists would respond, educating the audience members on a variety of topics. The topics included the services provided by the BCC, the BCC staff, present and future endeavours and what the BCC hopes to achieve. In addition, audience members could make comments and suggestions for the panelists to consider and discuss. The forum was recorded and posted online for anyone wishing to watch it.

Don’t Hang Up On His EP

(03/06/18 11:00am)

“I recorded almost all of this in my basement,” Mathias Boyar ’20 said in an interview with the Justice. Still slightly uncomfortable with self-promotion, he sat back onto the black leather couch in Farber Library and admitted, “Normally I write a song and just show it to a couple people and then it ends up on a file somewhere on my computer where it’s archived.” Now, for the first time ever, Boyar’s music is accessible to anyone with internet access.

Romantic Getaways

(02/13/18 4:30pm)

Sara Fulton ’20 — “The most romantic place in Waltham is definitely the river walk on Moody Street. In the summer, the light glistens on the water just right at sunset, and when you walk with your partner, it’s almost like you’re walking into the sunset. There’s plenty of places to stop and stare and great opportunities for great photos. It’s pretty much what I feel like is a clip from a romantic film in real life.”

Salvation in Syria

(02/06/18 11:00am)

Six years ago, Nadia Alawa was a full-time mother whose days were spent driving her eight children to sports games and homeschooling them for exams. In 2011, her quiet life in the sleepy town of East Hempstead, New Hampshire ended with the eruption of a devastating civil war in Syria, her father’s homeland.

We Must Remember

(02/06/18 11:00am)

There is a famous expression which goes, “Those who don’t learn about history are bound to repeat it.” Today, 73 years later, it is important not to  forget the atrocities that occurred during the Holocaust. With many of the survivors already having passed and the remaining survivors continuing to get older, remembering the events of the time becomes a task for a new generation. This is why the United Nations General Assembly established International Holocaust Remembrance Day, on Jan. 27. Coinciding with this day, Brandeis University had an Internation Holocaust Remembrance Panel of members from the Women’s Studies Research Center, to share the unique experiences of their relatives who remember the Holocaust in the most vivid way possible — they lived through it.

The Fault in Our Perceptions

(01/30/18 11:00am)

Director for the Laboratory of  Intergroup Relations and the Social Mind Dr. Valerie Purdie Greenaway, and cultural neuroscientist Jiyoung Park came to Brandeis on Thursday to present on what seemed to be two starkly different topics: one about racism, the other about self perception. However, as the audience in the Rapaporte Treasure Hall soon learned, things aren’t always as they appear. 

For Us by Us: The Untold Stories of People of Color on Campus

(01/30/18 11:00am)

Judiana Moise ’20 was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and moved to New York when she was 12. After spending a year in New York, she moved to Rhode Island. In an interview with the Justice, Moise said, “I moved to Mount Vernon and I believe it was right next to the Bronx. I don’t remember exactly, but I just know I was in the ’hood. One park and a lot of tall buildings. New York is different; there’s more of your people. Everyone looks the same, everybody’s Black. Later on you look further in and then you’re like ‘Oh he’s Haitian, oh he’s Jamaican.’ It felt like home but then I moved to Rhode Island and it was tough. I was in North Providence first, which was super white and the middle school was also really white. It was bad. I was crying every day. I was also tall and shy, so I just stayed quiet. Then I moved to Pawtucket, which is where I live now. Everything was a shock. I wanted to go back to Haiti for a long time, but I haven’t been to Haiti since then.”

Stories for the Ages

(01/23/18 11:00am)

A word in the Hawaiian language, kupuna, often means an elder, grandparent or older individual. However, it takes on at least three more meanings: the source or process of personal growth, an honored elder who has the life experience needed to be a family and community leader, and an ancestor who has the spiritual wisdom and presence to guide people through hardship.