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Life in a Suitcase: Fish

(11/05/19 11:00am)

Fish Wang ’23, who moved to the United States from China this past June, had been encouraged to study abroad at some point in his academic career. Wang grew up in what he describes as an “atypical Asian family” that gave him a lot of freedom in choosing what to do with his life.  Wang’s parents first asked him whether he wanted to study abroad in grade nine, and they decided as a family that he would be completing his higher education outside of China. Wang spoke English and Mandarin, so he looked at universities in English-speaking countries. After much consideration, he decided to attend a school in the United States, a country he perceived to be vibrant, diverse and vivid. 

That's it! Period!

(10/29/19 10:00am)

Members of the Brandeis PERIOD club traveled to Boston City Hall Plaza to join other PERIOD chapters in celebrating National Period Day on Oct. 19. In an interview with the Justice, Linzy Rosen ’22, founder and current president of the Brandeis PERIOD chapter, stated that the group wanted to achieve two goals at the downtown Boston celebration: to “bring attention to a highly stigmatized issue” — menstruation and associated struggles — and to rally in support of the ‘I AM’ bill, which Rosen said “would provide funding, if passed, for period products to be available in public schools, prisons and homeless shelters.”

Campus Votes for....!?

(10/29/19 10:00am)

Brandeis’ mission statement claims that the University prepares students for “full participation in a changing society,” and with over 20 political and activist student organizations, a political event on campus is not a rare sight. Some of these groups and events laud specific candidates, while others focus on exchanging ideas. In the first part of this two-part exploration of politics on campus, the Justice spoke with representatives of Brandeis for Bernie and Brandeis for Warren about their organizing for the 2020 campaign. 

Don’t quit on Quidditch

(10/22/19 10:00am)

 After a rocky start to the semester, the Quidditch team is bouncing back! They have faced a dechartering scare, several illnesses and a change in leadership — but they pulled off a bake sale on Saturday night and are anticipating a weekend of strong play at next week’s Regional competition. During Saturday’s bake sale, the Justice had the opportunity to interview team member Vidisha Jha ’23 and captains Tess Kowalski ’21 and Jeremy Goodsnyder ’20 about the triumphs and challenges of the semester so far and their hopes for the future.

Life in a Suitcase: Christina

(10/15/19 10:00am)

Christina’s parents met in Australia while attending an English learning program. Shortly after, they moved to Korea, where they “dated a bit and then got married,” Christina explained. In an attempt to maintain and improve the language skills that he had gained abroad, her father chose to attend Ohio State University a few years later. Christina’s mother moved with him, and in January of 2001, Christina was born at the Ohio State University Hospital, where she received a lot of attention from the nurses for being the only Asian baby. Two years later, her father decided to attend Columbia University to pursue his master’s degree, and her family settled in New Jersey where they remained until Christina finished fifth grade.