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Globe-trotting grads: Conversations with Fulbright grant recipients

(05/20/24 10:00am)

 In the aftermath of World War II,  the United States Congress set aside  funds to create the Fulbright Program,  a “flagship international academic exchange program.” Arkansas senator  J. William Fulbright introduced the  program through legislation in 1946  and President Harry Truman signed  it into law. The goal was to promote  the educational value of international  understanding and collaboration. This  vision is reflected nearly 80 years after  its initiation into western society. Fulbrighters, as they are fondly  nicknamed, come from all backgrounds from students and teachers  to artists and professionals. The program, nevertheless, is not to be taken  lightly. It is highly competitive and  the lucky students that are accepted  receive the opportunity to travel out of  the country. In doing so, the program  allows them to develop professionally  and learn not only about other cultures but themselves as well. The Justice spotlights four senior  fellows who will be pursuing their  passions through Fulbright following  graduation.

Mentoring with melody: Highlighting the Melody Mentors’ second year running

(04/16/24 10:00am)

On a Saturday afternoon, 15 high school students were sitting inside of a Sound and Image Media Studios classroom. After enjoying some snacks, the groups split into several areas across the SIMS department rooms to finalize their projects from the semester. These projects are part of Melody Mentors, an initiative which began in the spring of 2023. Melody Mentors is an initiative which plans to run every spring semester as part of Basement Records, a student-run organization on campus dedicated to supporting student musicians, and with support from Samuels Ceneter for Community Partnerships and Civic Transformation. The program matches high school students throughout the Waltham area with Brandeis students to support them in their musical careers. 

Team Mangok: Mangok Bol and other staff work to resettle Bol’s niece and nephews in the U.S.

(04/16/24 10:00am)

Program Administrator for Latin American, Caribbean and Latinx Studies and Department Coordinator for Chemistry Mangok Bol came to the United States in 2001 as a refugee of the Second Sudanese Civil War after having spent 13 years in refugee camps in Ethiopia and Kenya from the ages of nine to 22. He came to the U.S. as a part of the Lost Boys and Girls program, which resettled children who were orphaned or separated from their parents in the war. Bol’s story was covered in The Boston Globe, National Public Radio, The Justice and BrandeisNOW.

Housing gems in the library: Visiting the Robert D. Farber University Archives and Special Collections department

(04/09/24 10:00am)

You may have walked past it when hunting down a quiet study spot on the second floor of the Goldfarb Library: the Robert D. Farber University Archives & Special Collections. Right past the reference desk, down the stairs to the second floor of Goldfarb, it lies behind the glass door: the past of Brandeis summarized in glass displays, featuring a picture of the first graduating class to previous school merchandise from the 1980’s.

It’s time to lock in: Social media detoxes in an age of declining attention spans

(04/09/24 10:00am)

Many of us have been sat down by a teacher, friend or a concerned parent to watch “The Social Dilemma.” The documentary came out in 2020 at the height of the pandemic, when virtually all communication was online. It exposed how social media companies specifically design algorithms that nurture addiction and increase screen time by providing instant gratification. Since then, most users have become aware of the consequences of using smart technology in an attention economy that profits off of our decrease in concentration. In a November 2020 survey of people from ages 14 to 24, over half of respondents said they’ve deleted or thought about deleting their social media accounts or app.

In Focus: Spotlighting creative changemaker Shelley Polanco

(04/02/24 10:00am)

Shelley Polanco ’24, a double major in African and African American Studies and Politics, is an Afro-Latina multi-hyphenate creative. Since her youth, she has always been drawn to creating change. Whether through poetry and creative writing or photography and cinema, she is always uplifting and building a legacy that visualizes people of color. Today, Polanco runs a freelance photography business called Shot by Shell and is embracing other mediums of artful expression.

Brandeis Chungles reveals the creators behind the memes

(03/26/24 10:00am)

For the last two years, the student-run Instagram meme page @brandeis.chungles, commonly referred to as just “Chungles,” has graced the Brandeis community with memes relating to campus life behind a veil of anonymity. Displayed in the account's bio was the message “Face reveal at 1,000 followers.” The masterminds behind the memes would be revealed when that threshold was met. 

Gumbo ya-ya and the polyrhythms in African-American women’s quilting

(03/12/24 10:00am)

A childhood activity that many American students completed in school is the coloring of the Thanksgiving turkey. Some students chose to color the feathers in a random fashion, making them each one of their favorite bright colors. Other students colored the feathers in a controlled, pastel gradient. Just like with those turkeys and the various approaches to coloring them — each different but not better or worse than another —  there are no set rules that can be applied to any given artistic tradition. With this approach, the viewer shifts their mindset to the landscape of the individual piece and assesses it independently as a unique item, rather than one that needs to be measured against other works, styles or expectations. 

Artificial Intelligence, Real Consequences: The use of Artificial Intelligence platforms in higher-education

(03/05/24 11:00am)

Before I began to write this article, one of my professors had given me the suggestion to use ChatGPT to create a title for this piece. I did not do that, and will be very offended if you think I did. However, I did decide to give ChatGPT a chance and typed, “Can you please create a title for a school newspaper article which features three interviews with professors at Brandeis University discussing the potential benefits and drawback of ChatGPT in their respective fields of study and the classrooms in which they teach in?” In response, I got:

Women’s history at Brandeis: The Student outcry against Brandeis naming Bob Guccione “Publisher of the Year” in 1975

(03/05/24 11:00am)

In 1975, Leslie Martin ’76 was sprawled on her bed in her dorm reading a copy of The Justice when she learned that founder and publisher of Penthouse Magazine, Bob Guccione was going to be named Brandeis’ Publisher of the Year.

Did you know?: A look at the untold truths of Brandeis history

(02/13/24 11:00am)

On March 16, 1966, tragedy struck the Brandeis community as the lives of two were taken at the center of campus. Graduate anthropology students Elgin N. Annis, 25, and Dora Roslow, 22, took off from Hanscom Field in Bedford in a small airplane. They spent some time flying around the Brandeis campus, before clipping the plane on the roof of the Goldfarb Library and hitting a tree. It was said that there were between 30 and 40 witnesses. The airplane then crashed into the concrete embankment of the reservoir and caught on fire. This man-made reservoir was in the same location as the current Usdan Student Center, which was opened in 1970.

Empowering excellence: A Black homecoming celebration

(02/13/24 11:00am)

February is notable as a month-long celebration of Black history and culture. However, it should be noted that our regard of the celebration must not only be reserved for twenty-eight days, but rather for the entire year. Recently I have reflected, not only on history, but on the stories unfolding now, right here at Brandeis. In an attempt to make a small difference I am shining a spotlight on the contributions of Black Brandeisians. I am documenting who they are and how they are making a positive impact on the Brandeis community.