Mar. 15 — A report was made of a motor vehicle that was parked at the top of North Road. The report was cleared. 

Mar. 21 — General maintenance technician, a car was reported parked at a gate with no one in it, with flashing lights. The car was gone upon arrival. 


Mar. 15 — A community member injured their foot while walking and sought medical attention. The patient refused medical treatment. 

Mar. 15 — A community member reported being sick and requested BEMCo. The patient was transported to a local hospital for further care via ambulance.

Mar. 15 — A medical call was made for a community member not feeling well. They were treated by BEMCo and refused further treatment. 

Mar. 16 — A medical call was made for an injured ankle. They were treated by BEMCo and refused further treatment. 

Mar. 16 — A party reported not feeling well. The patient was transported to a local hospital for further care via ambulance.

Mar. 20 — There was a medical emergency for a party lying down by the Sherman dumpster. The patient was transported to a local hospital for further care via ambulance.


Mar. 20 — A community member reported a hit and run. An investigation is to follow.

Mar. 21 — There were reports of a minor motor vehicle accident between Department of Facilities Management vehicles. The incident was cleared. 


Mar. 15 — A suspicious letter was delivered to the mailroom. An investigation is to follow.

Mar. 17 — A student claimed their food delivery was taken. The Incident was cleared.

Mar. 17 — Multiple calls were made reporting noise disturbance. No police action was required.

Mar. 17 — The Department of Facilities Management was notified of maintenance to respond.

Mar. 20 — There was a report of vandalism to mirrors in the bathrooms. An investigation is to follow. 

Mar. 20 — There was a report of vandalism to mirrors in basement bathrooms. All appeared to be in order. 

Mar. 21 — A party reported someone using their social security number. An investigation is to follow.

Mar. 21 — Department of Facilities Management was notified to remove tagging. An investigation is to follow. 

Mar. 21 — A party reported damage to their door. The incident was cleared.