On the night of Feb. 10, the University’s Cambridge/Boston shuttle route was delayed due to a minor accident in Cambridge near the highway. The shuttle collided with a small car while making a wide right turn in a four-way intersection, hitting the car’s left back door with its front right side. The collision left a dent in the car’s backseat door.

“The shuttle driver said [the car] came out of nowhere and hit him, but from my seat it looked like we were the ones who hit [the car],” Abby Tang ’26, wrote in a Feb. 12 statement to The Justice. She said that the driver called the DPV Transportation company, looked through the shuttle’s emergency procedure guidebook and took pictures of the present students’ identification cards. The Justice could not confirm the driver’s identity as of press time. 

Tang also specified that the driver was the same person who drove the shuttle from the University earlier that day. “It felt like we were speeding on the highway (it was also raining) and I definitely felt unsafe,” Tang wrote. “There was another incident in January where he was driving … and we almost crashed into a pole,” she added, emphasizing that the shuttle had been nearly full at the time. 

Tang described the incident, stating that the shuttle had been approaching a fork in the road but the driver did not choose a direction in time. Instead, he braked in front of the pole at the last second. “[The driver] apologized and said he had zoned out,” she wrote. 

Tang said that no one on the shuttle was hurt, but she was unable to confirm if the other car’s driver and passenger were also unharmed, beyond stating that they seemed to be fine.

The Cambridge police went to the site of the accident and spoke to both drivers. After the police confirmed that none of the shuttle passengers had any “physical problems,” the shuttle continued on its route to Massachusetts Avenue around 12:15 A.M.