The Sports section of the Justice is starting a column called "Jury Duty" that hopes to spotlight different athletes every week. Please email if you would like to nominate someone, send them this form, or fill out this form if you are interested in being in a short spotlight! My hope and aim for this is to bridge the gap between student-athletes and non student-athletes by highlighting relatable content to make the community feel more approachable. 

Tristan Boyer ’25 is a catcher on the Brandeis Softball team. Outside of her commitments as a varsity athlete, Boyer is also the president of the Student Athletic Advisory Council. As president, Boyer’s responsibilities include organizing weekly community service, coaches appreciation, and many other activities aiming to improve the lives of student athletes. Get to learn more about Boyer with some fun facts below, and don’t forget to support her and the Brandeis Softball team at their upcoming games in the spring!

When asked to share more about herself, Boyer expressed her fondness for Harry Styles and said she is a big country music fan. She also mentioned that her favorite ice cream flavor is anything with chocolate­­—like a good java chip or mint chocolate chip. When asked to share a fun fact about herself, Boyer admitted that she was named after a character Brad Pitt played in the movie “Legend of the Falls.” She commented she loves to hang out with her roommates in their Ziv, bonding over homework and watching shows together. However Boyer’s favorite place on campus is the Barry Harsip '73 Student Lounge, and she likes to do homework in the Shapiro Campus Center as it is quieter than the library. Boyer also commented that she works in the MakerLab and is in the first engineering class at Brandeis, which piqued her interest in 3D printing and design. While she can’t specify, Boyer disclosed that she has a secret role on campus that involves a gavel.

— Editor’s Note: Justice editor Rani Balakrishna ’25 is a member of the Brandeis Softball team and did not contribute to this story.