
 An eventful week for you this week, Aries! With the full moon in Virgo approaching this Friday (as well as the warmer weather) you could feel motivated to be more physical this week! Take a walk, go for a bike ride, or even join a club sport (as Aries is ruled by the competitive Mars). Get some of this extra energy out now because the Sun enters Aries at the end of this week on March 19, and you will be at the center of attention for the next month after that! This full moon also falls into your sixth house, ruling health and wellness. Take extra time to be good to yourself mentally and physically this week. 


Get the spring cleaning underway, Taurus! This week’s upcoming full moon in the micromanaging Virgo falls into your fifth house of self expression and creativity. Perhaps take this energy and rearrange your room, hang some new posters, or finally buy that decor you’ve been saving in your Amazon cart for weeks! Take the last week of Pisces season to use up the last of your eleventh house social energy before the Sun settles in Aries on Sunday in your twelfth house. Don’t worry, Taurus, your time is coming. Use the Aries season to rest and recharge before your birthday season next month!


Dust off your spring cleaning supplies, Gemini, this week’s full moon in Virgo lands in your fourth house of domesticity, so prepare for some serious clutter-clearing this week! Keep in mind, a clutter-free house does not equal a clutter-free mind. Take some time to also clear up your mind, get your priorities where you want them, and take care of yourself. This would also be the time to begin a search for a roommate or new apartment if you need to. Don’t worry, the Sun enters Aries this Sunday in your eleventh house of teamwork, so you may see your friend group growing, or perhaps join a friend group yourself! Take advantage of this!


This week may carry severe throwback energy for you, Cancer! The full moon in Virgo on Friday lands in your third house of childhood and early life. Maybe make plans to go visit your hometown this weekend, or even reach out to a childhood friend. Keep an eye out for local events in the area as well, the nicer weather is likely to bring out new opportunities for local fun! Be prepared for this upcoming Aries season, though. The Sun enters Aries and your tenth house of success on Sunday, this is your time to be ambitious and really go for what you want! You may find opportunities in the next month that lead you to new horizons!


Be on the lookout this week, Leo! The full moon in Virgo this Friday lands in your second house of values and habits, and this may illuminate several things in your life. Keep an eye out for people who may not support your values. Also look out for red flags in your own behavior, as the second house also rules self-worth. Make sure you are loving yourself the way you deserve, because you know better than anyone what you deserve, Leo! This Sunday’s move into Aries season in your ninth house of adventure, travel, and wisdom may lead you to plan several trips and journeys for the year ahead. Whether this is a physical journey or an emotional one, take this upcoming Aries season to embrace it, and allow it to energize you. 


If your social energy has been drained recently, it is coming back with a bang this Friday under the full moon in Virgo in your eleventh house of community, Scorpio! Use this time and energy to hang out with friends you haven’t seen in a while, or make plans with acquaintances who may not be in your circle yet but soon may be! If you have been working on a group project recently, this may be the time it will come to fruition. Use this as an excuse to celebrate! Group projects consume a lot of energy, you deserve a celebration! This Sunday sees the start of Aries season as the Sun falls in your sixth house of health and organization! Use this as an excuse for some spring cleaning, and maybe even start a new workout or skincare routine! 


You are the center of attention this week, Virgo! This year’s only full moon in Virgo falls into your first house of self this Friday — take full advantage of it! Move yourself forward toward a life you have been planning to live. Don’t let yourself be held back by fear or anxiety, this full moon energy paired with the upcoming Aries season will give you the confidence you need to do what you want! If you have had a long-term project or journey you have been working on, now is the time to show it off! This Aries season sees the Sun entering your eighth house of intimacy and finances. You may see some changes in who you feel drawn to or in who is drawn to you. Take time to reflect, and don’t worry about being selective about who you surround yourself with, you deserve the best, Virgo!


This Friday’s upcoming full moon in Virgo falls in your twelfth house of healing and closure, Libra! Use this transitional time to allow yourself to heal and leave things behind. A situation may be at a crossroads, and you may need to use this time to discover what exactly you want. This may also illuminate endings or conclusions, giving you deeper insight into why things happened and allowing you to move forward. Don’t worry though, this Sunday brings the Sun into your sister sign of Aries and your seventh house of relationships! Take this extra energy to remember your values before you blindly accept the first opportunity that comes to you. You are worthy of someone who will support you and your values, Libra! 


 This Friday’s full moon in Virgo shows the fruit of your labors the past few months Sagittarius! If you have been working hard on something, this illuminating full moon in your 10th house of success is the time to show it off! This could open doors for you in the future, use it to your advantage! Set up some meetings with connections in your industry, or attend a connecting event in the next few weeks, it may give you opportunities you wouldn’t have found otherwise. The Sun enters Aries in your fifth house of romance this Sunday. If you are currently in a relationship, this may provide you with some extra energy romantically. Go out on a nice date, or spend some quality time together this Aries season! If you are not in a relationship, this may be the time to put yourself out there. You are a magnet during this upcoming Aries season. Sagittarius, don’t let that go to waste!


Friday’s full moon in Virgo illuminating your ninth house of wisdom will open mental doors for you this week, Capricorn! Whether or not you may want it to, this full moon will illuminate your values and ethics this week, and it is up to you what you want to do with this newfound information. Think of it as calibrating your emotions and attention. Follow your wants and desires this week and perhaps you will find yourself a new hobby or discover a new journey for yourself! You may find yourself hibernating during this upcoming Aries season which lands in your fourth house of domesticity. Take this time to make your home a place you want it to be. Add some extra decor, maybe figure out your living situation for next year, or find a new roommate or apartment.


This upcoming full moon in Virgo lands in your eighth house of intimacy and relationships on Friday! Use this to further relationships in your life you want to keep around, and perhaps end relationships you don’t want around. This is also the house of finances, so some financial opportunities may be illuminated around this time as well — keep an eye out for those! The Sun enters Aries in your third house of communication this Sunday. Remind yourself to communicate with others clearly, as an air sign you may forget that not everyone can read your mind, and communication may become messy as a result. It may be worth using this young, Aries, energy to try new things this upcoming season. Don’t feel the need to jump into new things, but dipping your toe in to test the waters is never a bad idea!


Pisces season is leaving us at the end of this week! All the energy you may have felt this Pisces season is here to stay! Aries season this Sunday is always full of youthful energy, so you won’t be left in the cold this week, Pisces. This upcoming full moon in Virgo on Friday lands in your seventh house of relationships. This can illuminate several things in your current relationships, whether positive or negative. If you are feeling stuck in a relationship, this may show you some insight on what to do. This Sunday’s shift into Aries season may leave you feeling more motivated than you have felt recently. Take this opportunity to do something you have been putting off, or try something you have never done before!