Last week, the Brandeis chapter of Colleges Against Cancer received the Leader of Hope award from the American Cancer Society for its efforts in raising funds and awareness of the fight against cancer through campus events.

We recognize that the club went above and beyond the requirements for the award and we applaud its members' dedication to this cause. Furthermore, we encourage the organization to continue hosting events that involve the entire Brandeis community.

Of these events was "Jail and Bail," held last week. For this event, students and staff, like Student Union President Herbie Rosen '12 and Associate Dean of Student Life Jamele Adams, were fictitiously locked up in the Shapiro Campus Center Atrium, and spectators were given the opportunity to donate money to either release them or detain them further. The donations from the event are going to help fund the Relay for Life event in the spring semester.

At the event, Colleges Against Cancer raised more than $1,400; an impressive sum given that the event lasted only two hours.

The success of the "Jail and Bail" event was due largely to the widespread support from the student body, and University departments such as Dining Services and the Department of Public Safety. While the event generated interest because it was an entertaining and well-advertised idea, students may have been more willing to participate because they knew that the donations were going toward a worthy cause. Previous fundraisers by the organization have also been consistently prosperous. Last year, Relay for Life hosted Daffodil Days, raising over $2,214 for the American Cancer Society just by selling flowers.

The actual overnight Relay for Life event raised nearly $65,000. Last Thursday, Colleges Against Cancer hosted a coffeehouse in Cholmondeley's, and this week Relay for Life will partner with International Club for the Rumba dance, further spreading the club's message.

The substantial student involvement in these events shows our student body's potential for accomplishing tremendous feats if they invest their time and energy. Students should be even more inclined to participate knowing that money they donate to for these events will be going towards fighting cancer.

We encourage Colleges Against Cancer to continue their work in bringing attention to its cause by involving students through interesting and innovative events.