With over 400,000 subscribers and nearly 40 million upload views on its YouTube channel, Wong Fu Productions has become one of the prominent Asian-American voices on the internet. The group's comedy shorts like Yellow Fever make fun of modern social stereotypes and, intentionally or not, bring cultural issues surrounding Asian Americans to a mainstream audience. Members Philip Wang, Wesley Chan and Ted Fu will be coming to campus with the help of Lina Bui '13 and other leaders of Brandeis' cultural clubs. JustArts: How did you become familiar with Wong Fu Productions?

Lina Bui: I became familiar with Wong Fu Productions a few years ago. My friend shared a video with me called Just a Nice Guy. This short film came in three parts at different times. After watching the first part, I was hooked. It was absolutely hilarious. That was about 3 years ago, and I have been keeping up with their updates ever since.

JA: What has the process been like in getting Wong Fu to Brandeis?

LB: Trying to get Wong Fu Productions to Brandeis has been very exciting. Since the first e-mail, I couldn't wait for the day that they would finally come here. I've watched all of their shorts and video blogs about their college tours over the past few years, and to think they they will come here and share their story with everyone is amazing. At times, the process was definitely frustrating. Whether it was waiting for e-mails from WFP, from possible sponsors or from venue coordinators, not knowing if a problem was going to come up was intimidating. But overall, I am very glad I was able to be part of coordinating such a great event.

JA: What kinds of collaboration have been involved in organizing the event so far?

LB: For this event, we have four clubs involved: Southeast Asia Club, the Brandeis Chinese Cultural Connection, the Brandeis Asian American Student Association, and the Korean Student Association. With the help of these clubs, we were able to contact many departments and talk to a lot of different people who are willing to help us. Director of the Intercultural Center Monique Gnanaratnamhas been a great support in helping us find a venue. Elaine Wong from the Dean of Arts and Science Program has been supporting us and helping us with any troubles we may have along the way. We have also contacted the Women and Genders Studies department, the Brandeis Pluralism Alliance, and the Student Union.

For off-campus contacts, I have been able to contact Northeastern University students-who are also experiencing the same pressures of planning an event for Wong Fu Productions-to ask for advice and to plan travel arrangements for Wong Fu Productions to come to Brandeis on Oct. 17. It actually worked out great, since they are coming to Brandeis while staying at Northeastern, so we did not have to request any funding regarding housing from the Student Union Finance Board.

JA: What should Brandeis students expect for the event?

LB: The event is going to be pretty awesome. Brandeis students will get a chance to see new short films from Wong Fu Productions as well as being able to ask them questions. After the presentation, everyone will get a chance to meet Wong Fu Productions one-on-one at the Meet & Greet, where they can talk to the guys, ask for an autograph and take a picture with them!

JA: What are you most excited about with the event?

LB: For this event, I'm most excited to meet the boys of Wong Fu Productions-Philip Wang, Wesley Chan and Ted Fu--in person. After watching them online for so long, I feel as if I know them. It's easy to sense their sincerity in their videos, and that's what makes me want to get to know them more.

But I'm also excited to see this event finally happen. The planning for this event began last spring, around early June. With long months of waiting for e-mails, worrying about finances and making sure we sell enough tickets, I already know that once this event is over, I will be proud of everyone that helped in the process of getting Wong Fu Productions here. It seemed like a long shot last spring, but in a matter of weeks, the boys will be here, and the show will begin!