The primary round for winter midterm Student Union elections was held last Friday. Winners of this election round will compete in the final elections which will be held today. Fourteen candidates advanced to the final round of elections. In each race, the top two candidates who received votes advanced. The elections were contested for the following positions: Senator at large: Don Philips '05 and Mark Samburg '07, Union Judiciary Justice: Brian Kurtzberg '05 and Samuel Dewey '06, Village Quad Senator: Andrew Fruchter '06 and Micah Klatzker '07, Class of 2004 Senator: Teddy Tarallo and Mark Brescia, Class of 2007 Senator: Jenny L. Feinberg and Sarah L. Farhadian and Finance Board Member: Joshua Green '06 and Adam Gartner '07.

For Castle Quad Senator, Thorin Tabor '06 received the mandated 50 percent plus one votes to be declared the automatic winner. However, for the position of Charles River Quad Senator, Greer Hauptman '05 was running unopposed but did not receive a mandate vote and must compete in the final election. Results of the final election will not be determined until after Justice press time.

-by Matthew Konjoian