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Brandeis University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1949 | Waltham, MA

Glen Chesir


Modern journalism embraces entertainment over importance

Jerry Seinfeld once stated in an episode of his hit television show Seinfeld, "It's amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world every day always just exactly fits the newspaper." As Seinfeld correctly points out, the news industry has always been able to manipulate the content of the news.

Strategic plan becomes clear with fiscal lens

"What can-and should-Brandeis University be? What will this institution look like a decade from now, when we celebrate our 75th anniversary?" These are the questions that the recently released "work in progress" draft of the strategic plan starts with.

Strategic plan becomes clear with fiscal lens

"What can-and should-Brandeis University be? What will this institution look like a decade from now, when we celebrate our 75th anniversary?" These are the questions that the recently released "work in progress" draft of the strategic plan starts with.

Strategic plan becomes clear with fiscal lens

"What can-and should-Brandeis University be? What will this institution look like a decade from now, when we celebrate our 75th anniversary?" These are the questions that the recently released "work in progress" draft of the strategic plan starts with.

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