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Brandeis University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1949 | Waltham, MA

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Bringing awareness to Brandeis

(03/03/15 8:30am)

Over the past few days, you may have seen the NEDAwareness hash-tags online and body-positive messages, or even participated in a social media campaign to raise awareness for Eating Disorder Awareness Week (EDAW). EDAW is a national movement sponsored and organized by the National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) on the last week of every February. This year, it was held from Feb. 23 through March 1 and focused on improving the public understanding of eating disorders through various themes on social media.

Sorensen Fellows spend summer working on community building projects

(01/28/15 1:31am)

If you could spend a summer working anywhere in the world on a project that promotes social justice with the organization of your choice, how would you even begin to decide what to do? What if the deal got a bit more interesting—let's say you would be backed by a community of peers and ethics experts and you'd receive up to $4,000 to finance your dream?