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(04/21/15 5:29am)

A GROUP EFFORT: Club members (left to right) Ilana Weisz ’15, Bethany Rennich ’17, Sarah Lipitz ’17, Leah Levine ’17, Arielle Keller ’16, Linda Maleh ’16 and Erin Radziwon ’16 come together to host the Fellows Garden event on Friday, the final event of awareness week.

Mastering mindfulness

(03/31/15 3:43am)

Many people believe that meditation is used to improve one’s self. Noel Coakley, a counselor at the Psychological Counseling Center, believes that reducing meditation to a self-improvement tool misses the essence of why meditation is important. In contrast to meditation as a tool for individual improvement, Coakley sees mediation as a way to connect more deeply with those around you and to exist more fully in your community.