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Culture X preview

(04/09/19 10:00am)

Culture X, the biggest cultural show of the semester, is entering its 20th anniversary! 16 artists and groups will be performing on Saturday night in Levin Ballroom. To preview this event, the Justice spoke to the CultureX chair team member, Gabi Rivero, about what clubs will be performing and what Culture X means to her. Other chairs include Maurice Windley '19, Brianna Brown '19, Connie Kai '22, Imani Islam '20 and Gabriela Macedo Telles '20.

Time travel with J-SAI

(04/09/19 10:00am)

The Japanese Student Association held their culture show in the Levin Ballroom for the first time last Friday. They called the show J-SAI, an amalgamation of “Japan” and the kanji, the logographic character in Japanese,  for “festival,” which can be pronounced either as matsuri or sai. This title was all JSA needed for their beautiful stage backdrop: a stylized version of J-SAI surrounded with flowers and a grid pattern of green and blue squares. 

JustArts Spotlight on the Rose

(04/09/19 10:00am)

    At first glance, Howardena Pindell’s “Autobiography: Scapegoat” appears to be a simple collage of magazine-like cutouts and words against a gray background. However, after viewing the work for a few seconds, you begin to notice the complicated texture. Though the work is not a sculpture by any means, the techniques Pindell use are reminiscent of 3D pieces. By overlapping many different mediums, ridges form across the entire background, drawing the viewer’s attention to the smoother areas. It is in these areas where her message lies. Phrases such as, “if you don’t do what we say we will,” “we will have our way” and “do not underestimate our power” quite literally hang over the heads of silhouettes and painted images of women, men and children of color.