Ryan Michaud, who was previously the Community Development Coordinator for Ridgewood and Ziv Quads, will be leaving Brandeis for a position at another university, according to an email sent to residents of the two quads.

According to the email, Michaud—who joined the Department of Community Living in 2013—stopped serving as the Community Development Coordinator for Ridgewood and Ziv on Wednesday.

In his place, Kristen Zernick, the Community Development Coordinator for the Village and 567 South Street, will be “taking over all student development functions for all four buildings in Ziv Quad,” according to the email.

Scott Berozi, the current Community Development Coordinator for the Charles River Apartments and the Fosters Mods, will be “taking over all student development functions for all three buildings in Ridgewood Quad,” the email read.

“There are no changes to the Community Advisor team and any concerns/needs should still be filed with them as your direct point person,” Zernick and Berozi wrote in the email.

“We wish [Michaud] luck in his future endeavors,” the email read. “We are excited to work with [Ridgewood and Ziv residents].”

As of press time, Berozi did not respond to requests for comment and Zernick declined requests for comment.

—Abby Patkin